Tuesday 29 July 2014

Symphony of Rains

Sitting here in the dark aisle, fighting with these baffled emotions….
 A sudden thunder breaking the monotony of silence…..

Finally, Blue inked rotten thoughts on paper….
Formations so grim, finding their way to get inked on this blank sheet…
I wish emotions could make their way down the body in the same way as every little drop of rain finds its way, offering a perpetual happiness to our senses .The same nerve wracking happiness a girl experiences when the person she loves gently sways away touching her hand.

Water dwelling at the corner of my fingertips….
I wish I could just hold these moments tightly, dwelling in the eternity rain offers.

And gently with the passing time, words which appeared so grim started making some sense….
So just give some time, forget what you had and listen to the surreal symphony of these rains….
Seep in this dusty aura of rainy mud in your body and fly away…
Happy Rains:)

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